Penn Center for Quantum Information, Engineering, Science and Technology (QUIEST)
Quantum information, engineering, science and technology (QUIEST) is a transdisciplinary field that draws from physics, materials science, electrical engineering, and information science. By controlling and exploiting quantum-mechanical effects like superposition and entanglement in physical systems, QUIEST is already transforming the way we think about computation and information security.
Center for Precision Engineering for Health (CPE4H)
Dan Hammer, Director CPE4H is focused on how advances in molecular medicine, such as sequencing and the genome, might give way to personalized treatments. Its efforts will catalyze the ability to move healthcare from providing one-size-fits-all solutions to a system that can recognize the unique state of each individual to provide the best care.
Center for Soft and Living Matter
Andrea Liu, Director This interdisciplinary center brings together more than 60 faculty working on soft and living matter from more than 10 departments across the Penn campus, from the School of Arts and Sciences as well as the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Internet of Things for Agriculture (IoT4Ag)
Cherie Kagan, Director IoT4Ag works to ensure food, energy, and water security by advancing technology to increase crop production while minimizing the use of energy and water resources and the impact of agricultural practices on the environment.
Center for Engineering MechanoBiology
Vivek Shenoy, Director The Center for Engineering MechanoBiology (CEMB) is a multi-institutional Science and Technology Center funded by the National Science Foundation to advance the study of mechanical forces in molecules, cells, and tissues in plants and animals. The mission of the CEMB is to create new materials, biomedical therapies, and improved agricultural technologies. Our […]
General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception (GRASP) Lab
Mark Yim, Director; Ani Hsieh, Deputy Director The General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception (GRASP) Lab is a truly inter-disciplinary research center at the University of Pennsylvania. Founded in 1979, the lab has grown today to be one of the premier research centers focusing on fundamental research in robotics, vision, perception, control, automation and learning.
Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter (LRSM)
Eric Stach, Director The Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter (LRSM) is the intellectual focal point of materials research at Penn. It hosts the Materials Research Science & Engineering Center (MRSEC), which consists of five Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRGs) plus selected seed projects. The MRSEC provides crucial support for faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and […]
Penn Center for Health, Devices and Technology (Penn Health-Tech)
Katherine Reuther, Executive Director The Penn Health-Tech mission is to foster novel medical-device ideas based on basic science and technology developed at the University of Pennsylvania, facilitate the development of medical devices and healthcare technology, and provide education and research opportunities to next-generation medical device innovators.
Penn Institute for Computational Science (PICS)
Aleksandra Vojvodic, Director The formation of the Penn Institute for Computational Science derives from the observation that computing is an important tool for research in essentially every field of study today; from the physical and biological sciences to every part of engineering to linguistics to medicine to psychology. Computing’s rapidly changing landscape, while presenting immense […]
Singh Center for Nanotechnology
Mark Allen, Director The Singh Center is centered around four major research facilities, all featuring state-of-the-art equipment for nanoscale characterization, measurement, and fabrication: the Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility, the Nanoscale Characterization Facility, the Scanning and Local Probe Facility, and the Material Property Measurement Facility.